Adtelligent is focused on providing the best technical solutions for its partners and customers while constantly improving and bringing its products up to date.
You can find the latest ones below:
Supply Side Platform
ElementalTV DSP Added to the Prebid Partner List
A new partner has been added to the Prebid Partner list – ElementalTV DSP.
ElementalTV is a company providing CTV ad solutions.
The link for integration: prebid-server/adapters/adoppler at master · prebid/prebid-server · GitHub
New Mute/Unmute Event Tracking Option
Two new metrics (VPAID Mute & VPAID Unmute) are now available in the Reports section. To get the option, users must contact the Account manager and add the metrics in the settings table of their accounts.
Campaigns/Sources Count Grid is Now Available
- Campaigns сount grid with the number of only enabled and disabled campaigns (excluding Adtelligent Marketplace) has been added to the sources table.
- Sources сount grid with the number of only enabled sources are now available in the Campaigns table.

New App Name Object for Values in the Universal List
The ‘App Name’ object has been added to the ‘Values’ list in the Universal list. It works for both Prebid and OpenRTB integration type campaigns.

Ad Categories Filter Added
A new ‘Ad Categories’ filter is now available for use. This filter operates according to the following logic:
- The responses from demand containing category/categories selected in the filter (applicable only to OpenRTB/Prebid Server campaigns connected to the source) are blocked at the source level.
- The responses from advertisers containing the category/categories selected in the filter (applicable only to RTB/Prebid Server campaigns) are blocked at the campaign level.

New Mismatch Filters to Campaigns
A new Filters section with several filters has been added to the ‘Create Campaign’ -> ‘Advanced Settings’ tab:
- Geo Mismatch (Requests/Impressions)
- IP Mismatch
- UA Mismatch
- URL Mismatch (Referrer)

Daily Revenue Cap: Advertiser Level
A new ‘Daily Revenue Cap’ is now available in the ‘Advertiser Basic Settings’. Its operation logic is as follows: a media holder sets the budget in USD; when budget is reached (during this process all the campaigns under the advertiser entity are analyzed), traffic won’t be sent to these campaigns.

Report Type Selector Added
The ‘Report Type’ selector is now available in the Reports section. There are new report view selectors in the ‘Reports’ section under ‘Metric Filter’ with the following 4 options:
- Default
- VAST Analytics
- RTB Analytics
- Push Analytics
Each report has related metrics that are displayed once a view has been picked. The report wizard options remain the same.

New Source/Campaign ‘COPPA’ Filter
The ‘Enable Coppa’ filter checkbox is now available at Source/Campaign settings level. All clients can now filter requests on Source and Campaign level with the following parameter using a simple checkbox.

New Prebid Partner – AdKernel
AdKernel bidder has been added to the Prebid Partner list.
AdKernel provides display and video advertising formats for integration.
The link for integration:
Publisher ID Filter Added
The filter has been added under the ‘Add Targeting’ button for OpenRTB/Prebid Server campaigns.

Min and Max Bid for SSP Push Notification Sources
The Min and Max Bid fields have been added to Push Notifications ads and Pop ads traffic sources. Its goal is to control XML/JSON publisher auctions by setting minimal and maximal bid limits.

Global library Updates
User-Agents Added to CTV Environment
Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 6.0.1; MIBOX3 Build/MHC19J) is recorded under the environment slice as user-agent.
Amazon FireTV user agent identification
Amazon FireTV user-agents have been added to the CTV user-agents library.
Header Bidding Platform
General Platform Updates
- Google MCM available for customers
- Adhesion/Sticky/Catfish banner template enhancement.
Smart Player Updates
- Support of content categories and upload videos from YouTube.
- Mobile layout enhancement for the player.
- Support for passback if no video ad is available.
Wrapper Updates
- Automated Ad Placement tool.
- Improvements in lazy load pages support.
- Configurations and strategies A/B testing functionality.
Demand Side Platform
Windows 11 OS Users Targeting Added
Adtelligent DSP now supports Windows 11 OS user targeting. So all advertisers can set targeting on Windows 11 users. Users can find this option in the Operating System list.
IOS 16 Users Targeting is now available
The targeting of a new Operating system is added to Adtelligent DSP. Now advertisers can target all the users within iOS 16 based devices. Find the option in the ‘Operating System’ list.
Platform targeting for In-Page Push Notification traffic
Now users can set targeting by Browsers for In-Page Push traffic sources. This targeting option can be found in the default Targeting tab by Platforms -> Browser.

Added Marcos Support to the JS Tag Creatives
Now all the users using JS Tag creatives can apply macros in their code on Adtelligent DSP.
User-Interface Updates
Additional settings/elements for coloring White-label are added. Users can change the Color scheme to highlight paragraphs or slices. In addition, users can change the percent of color difference or add new components: “Highlight color”, and “Header color”.