«UKRNET» is a leading Ukrainian Internet company and popular provider of various Internet services. «UKRNET» has more than 20 years of relevant market experience and always aligns with the most recent digital trends and demands. However, in the wake of constant growth and development, the company encountered problems with amplifying its website advertising revenues. Therefore, keeping up with the new technologies in the ad monetization sphere and being interested in the novelties in monetization tech and new bidders, «UKRNET» decided to partner with Adtelligent.
«UKRNET» strives to optimize ad sales revenue on their web source ukr.net utilizing page load time and ad slots display refresh. After being introduced to the Header Bidding technology, the company decided to integrate it to solve the existing issues. In addition, the client wanted to improve some auctions’ performance issues that had to do with a large number of bidders. With Adtelligent specialists, «UKRNET» eliminated these problems and reached the desired response time and loading speed.
Adtelligent Solution for ukr.net
Following Header Bidding integration in cooperation with Adtelligent, the client acquired access to the premium partners’ enhanced traffic and scope. After adopting the technology mentioned above, the programmatic revenue grew to 15% through access to new partners and enhanced direct competition. Our platform also provided the company with additional direct advertisers with many bidders that subsequently boosted the competition with Google, thus improving the auctions’ efficiency.

«UKRNET» was pleasantly surprised with the Header Bidding Platform integration; after some time, the number of advertising partners has increased significantly. Furthermore, header bidding integration on mobile has also been fruitful and brought significant revenues. In addition, «UKRNET» noted other beneficial aspects of the Adtelligent platform, such as detailed and holistic reports that provide a lot of valuable data for further analysis and relevant adjustments of the work processes.