
Adtelligent Product Updates Q1 2024

Adtelligent is constantly working on improving its products and offering new technical solutions to its partners and customers

Adtelligent Product Updates Q1 2024
Adtelligent is constantly working on improving its products and offering new technical solutions to its partners and customers
May 23, 2024
A full stack advertising technology company for publishers and advertisers.

Adtelligent is focused on providing the best technical solutions for its partners and customers while constantly improving and bringing its products up to date. 

You can find the latest ones below:

Supply Side Platform

New universal list values

Several new universal list values were added to the global lists of the client’s member zone. Here is the complete list of values and their properties:

Name Path Type 
Gpid (global placement Id) imp.ext.gpid string 
Video plcmt video.plcmt integer 
Video placement video.placement integer 
Minimum bit rate video.minbitrate integer 
Maximum bit rate video.maxbitrate integer 
Start delay video.startdelay integer 
Device height device.h integer 
Device width device.w integer 
Content livestream content.livestream integer 

Users can find them in the dropdown menu when creating a universal list: 

Create Universal Lists

Real QPS metric added to all sources/all campaigns grid

A new column showing the real-time QPS value per entity was added to the all sources/all campaigns grid of the SSP member zone. It displays a new metric: requests per second, in which requests coming from the supply side are displayed as incoming values, and those coming from the demand side are displayed as outgoing values. Its value is updated every 15 minutes.

This new column is called ‘QPS’. The column previously called ‘QPS’ in all campaigns grid has been renamed to the ‘QPS Limit.’

Outgoing QPS Values

Rich Audience Added to the Prebid Partner List

A new partner has been added to the Prebid Partner list – Rich Audience. This is a marketplace allowing brands to connect with their audiences via publishers.

Prebid Server Bidder Params for Header Bidding

Region filter added to the targeting options in the source settings

The region targeting filter was duplicated from the advanced settings of a campaign to the source-level settings. Its operation logic remains the same. Now, the region filter is located below the country filter in the targeting options menu, as shown in the screenshot:

New filter by State

Support for Android 14 and iOS 17 versions

The Advanced Campaign settings now allow targeting mobile devices running Android 14 OS and iOS 17 OS. These operating systems can be found in the OS filter in the Targeting section of the Campaign settings, as shown in the screenshot below:

Support Android 14 and iOS 17

The new logic of API statistics pulling for ad push/pop campaigns

The logic of API stats pulling for ad push/pop campaigns was changed, and now a client can pick one of the two modes: simple or advanced. A simple mode implies ordinary API link insertion available, for example, on the RTB video campaign, while an advanced one suggests a more complicated way on an ad push campaign.

Users can choose API link insertion mode using two radio buttons in the External Statistics section in Ad push/pop campaign settings, as shown in the Figure below.

External Ad Server Integration Mode
API Link insertion

ATTS and IDFV parameters for oRTB protocols/connections

Two new parameters are now available in oRTB protocols/connections:

ATTS is the only iOS attribute representing the app’s tracking authorization status: not determined, restricted, denied, or authorized.

IDFV is the identifier for vendors, a code assigned to all apps by a single developer and shared across all apps by that developer.

Information about the parameters and ATTS and IDFV attributes:

The IDFV parameter is now available in the Device list, and ATTS is in the Privacy list, as shown in the Figure below

IDFV and ATTS Macros

New macros and parameters

New macros and parameters were added to the player section of the tag constructor. The list of parameters includes the following:

Parameter Macro Button name in Tag Constructor 
&delivery=, or (depending on the traffic type) {delivery} Delivery 
&nvol= audio.nvol {nvol} Nvol 
&audio_feed= audio.feed {audio_feed} Audio Feed 
Delivery / NVOL / Audio feed macros

Header Bidding Platform

The update to Prebid version 8.33 benefits publishers and advertisers in the programmatic advertising ecosystem.

Enhanced Performance

Version 8.33 is optimized for improved performance and efficiency, resulting in faster loading times and smoother ad rendering. This translates to a better user experience for website visitors, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement.

Advanced Targeting Options

With version 8.33, advertisers can access advanced audience segmentation and targeting options. This allows them to reach their desired audience more precisely and accurately, leading to higher conversion rates and improved campaign ROI.

Improved Bidder Support

The update includes enhancements to bidder adapters, providing improved compatibility and support for a broader range of demand sources. This enables publishers to access a larger pool of advertisers, maximizing their revenue potential.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

Version 8.33 offers enhanced reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing publishers and advertisers to gain deeper insights into their ad performance. This enables them to track key metrics more effectively and optimize their ad strategy for better results.

Expanded Header Bidding Support

The update expands support for header bidding across platforms and devices, ensuring seamless integration and maximum revenue potential for publishers. This allows publishers to monetize their inventory more efficiently and effectively.

Overall, the update to Prebid version 8.33 empowers publishers and advertisers with enhanced capabilities and flexibility in the programmatic advertising landscape, ultimately driving better results and maximizing revenue potential for all parties involved.


#ad server#header bidding#ssp

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