Adtelligent is focused on providing the best technical solutions for its partners and customers while constantly improving and bringing its products up to date.
You can find the latest ones below:
Supply Side Platform
1. New macros and parameters related to ‘Content’
A new section called ‘Content’ and several new parameters and macros has been added to the tag constructor.
2. New custom radio button for ‘Scoring Service’
Adtelligent has changed the logic of connecting the scoring, and now the process is slightly different. This new feature is available for all SSP clients and ensures they can add scoring to specific entities. These settings add both Daily and Hourly scores cappings along with the scoring itself to the corresponding entities picked.

3. New settings for AdPush/POP campaigns
We have added the ability to set the feeds in data centers traffic distributions, which will positively affect the connection speed of the demand partner’s servers. The new feature can be found in AdPush/POP campaign settings -> Basic Settings.
4. OTT/CTV Web environment for ‘Reports’
A new type of environment slice has been added to the Reporting section – the option to choose OTT/CTV Web traffic.
5. New export option for all ‘Connected’ entities
The option allows exporting all connected campaigns and sources to CSV. A button also allows uploading from the CSV, letting you upload the entity list to connect it to a source or a campaign.
6. Automatic bid optimization rate
When an SSP customer creates the campaign and ticks the “Auto adjust” checkbox, the system analyzes its performance once a day. After that, the system analyzes the discrepancy percentage with revenue and adjusts bids accordingly. Mostly relevant for AdPush campaigns but available for OpenRTB and PBS as well. This functionality was added to combat possible discrepancies. In addition, this checkbox allows you to save up on manual work by avoiding changing the bid optimization rate manually.
7. Adjustments to the ‘Requests Optimization’ tool are available
There are new rules to the ‘Request Optimization’ tool functionality:
- less
- less equal
- greater
- greater equal
Default rule: ‘less equal’.

8. Ad Buffet functionality
Available on the supply side, Ad Buffet functionality allows sending more than 1 ad per 1 response. The new option is available for VAST and RTB Video integrations.

Header Bidding Platform
1. Adtelligent Smart Video
The new Instream video format organically fits the web page, gives access to the global video budgets, and exhibits the best video ad monetization results. In addition, the native video ad format of the Adtelligent Smart Video receives higher interactions with almost 100% viewership and will be a great addition to any monetization strategy.

2. Update to Prebid Wrapper
We have updated the Prebid Wrapper to its 6.25 version, including bug fixes and maintenance features such as added PGAM alias to Adtelligent Bid Adapter. Among the bug fixes, there are such updates:
- LiveIntent ID submodule;
- User ID module;
- New optimization logic added recently can help attain a 5-15% increase in revenue and comply with our core web vitals-friendly approach.
Demand Side Platform
1. New traffic and stream filter for Inventory Sources
New Settings: “Inventory Source type”, “Stream Type”, “Creative Type” are now can be seen in the Client Inventory Source level and Advertiser Inventory Source level. Stream filter has been added on the Creative level, allowing users to choose from which sources to receive the traffic. There are 2 new filters in the settings on the Creative level: Creative stream type and Creative content type.