1+1 Media is the first Ukrainian-speaking national TV channel. It began broadcasting in 1995, and it is continuing to grow while establishing high standards across the industry and conquering new areas of the media space. 1+1 Media team recognized the emerging demand for boosting ad sales revenues and turned to Adtelligent for the efficient monetization inventory to optimize ad sales from their website.
The client aimed to amplify sales without hiring additional staff and sales managers. Ideally, the company wants to maintain the least possible sales team while maximizing profits and efficiency.
The linear hiring scheme used by the company to expand the sales department also presented an additional difficulty; 1+1 Media was doubtful as to the success of such an approach. The company’s primary goal was to optimize ad sales profits with minimal time and costs. The company raised the inventory prices while working with Admixer, but the profit rose slower than the market growth dynamics. After careful market research, the client decided to implement the basic waterfall model, but it failed to achieve the set financial goals.
Adtelligent proposed integrating a header bidding technology and related products such as the Header Bidding Platform with its header bidding wrapper to solve the problems mentioned above. The client reviewed the potential of the header bidding solution and decided that it would be able to solve many of the existing issues and satisfy the company’s demand for sales productivity without additional spending and human resources.

1+1 Media team got access to the latest technologies of the programmatic market (including latest prebid) and noted such prime benefits:
- Unified and transparent interaction protocol with any programmatic advertiser;
- Online ad sales income growth of 25% on average;
- Real-time reporting on external partners in one place;
- Opportunity to manage everything from a unified and convenient interface.
After integrating Adtelligent solution, the client received attainable technology to optimize ad sales revenue without additional hires and complex development issues.